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Torres Strait Flag

The Torres Strait Islander Flag: A Symbol of Unity and Identity


The Torres Strait Islander flag is the official flag of the Torres Strait Islanders, an Indigenous people of Australia. It was designed in 1992 by Bernard Namok, a Torres Strait Islander artist from Thursday Island. The flag represents the unity and identity of all Torres Strait Islanders.

Design and Symbolism

  • The flag consists of three horizontal stripes: blue, black, and green. The blue stripe represents the sea, the black stripe represents the Torres Strait Islanders, and the green stripe represents the land.

  • In the center of the flag is a white star with five points. The star represents the five island groups in the Torres Strait: the Eastern, Western, Central, Northern, and Southern Islands.

  • The white color of the star symbolizes peace, unity, and hope.

Historical Significance

The Torres Strait Islander flag was first flown in 1992 at the Torres Strait Cultural Festival. It was officially recognized by the Australian government in 1995, and it is now flown on all official buildings in the Torres Strait.

The flag is a symbol of the Torres Strait Islanders' pride in their culture and heritage. It is also a reminder of the challenges that Torres Strait Islanders have faced and overcome.

Contemporary Usage

The Torres Strait Islander flag is proudly displayed around Australia today. It is flown at schools, community centers, and other public buildings. The flag is also used as a symbol of Torres Strait Islander identity in art, music, and literature.
